Xenia Koghilaki works in the field of performing arts as a dancer and choreographer. She holds an MA in “Solo/Dance/Authorship” (MA SODA), from Berlin University of the Arts (HZT-Berlin/Udk) and she has previously studied dance (National School of Dance) and architecture (Technical University of Patras) in Greece. She lives and works between Athens and Berlin.

Xenia puts the body in the center of her research interest, exploring concepts of collectivity, embodiment and belonging in relation to dance and choreography, while her practice focuses on challenging the triptych: power – knowledge – body.

Her work has been presented in Onassis Dance Days (“Slamming” / 2024, “Bang Bang Bodies” / 2023), Sophiensaele (“KOPANIMA” / 2024), Tanztage Berlin (“Bang Bang Bodies / 2023), Kommuna Warsawa, Studio ALTA in Prague (collaborative piece “Nudes and Conspiracies”), the ONC8 Onassis New Choreographers Festival – ONC8 (collaborative work “Besuch”), the Arc for Dance Festival among others.

As a dancer, she has worked with Kat Válastur (“Strong-Born,” “Diana, Even,” “The FarNear”), André Uerba, Porson’s Khashoggi, the Hellenic Dance Company, among others.

Her research work has been supported by Dis-Tanz-Solo Des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, Residenzförderung of Fonds Darstellende Kunste (in collaboration with HAU-Berlin), Goethe Institut Berlin and the Greek Ministry of Culture. She is a Danceweb scholarship holder of Impulstanz Vienna International dance festival (2021), an Onassis Air Fellow (2024) and she has been awarded the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Artist Fellowship by ARTWORKS in 2022.
