Xenia Koghilaki (she/her, 1990) comes from Athens, Greece. She works in the field of performing arts as a dancer and choreographer. She puts the body in the centre of her research interest, while her practice engages with issues of re-examining the moving body’s aesthetic, political and social aspects.
Xenia is a graduate of the Greek National School of Dance and the Architecture Department of the University of Patras, while she holds an MA in “Solo/Dance/Authorship” from the University of the Arts Berlin (HZT-Berlin).
In 2021 Xenia started working on a series of choreographic works exploring concepts of collective discharge, embodiment and belonging in relation to dance and choreography. in January 2023, she premiered “Bang Bang Bodies” at the Tanztage Berlin in Sophiensæle – a work first presented as part of the MA SODA Final Works in Berlin. In 2024 she premiered “Slamming” in Athens as part of Onassis Dance Days, a work commissioned and produced by Onassis Stegi. “Slamming” was selected to be part of [8:tension] Young Choreographers series in ImpulsTanz Festival Vienna in 2024, and is currently on tour. Xenia continued working on the same thematic, premiering the group piece “KOPANIMA”, in Sophiensaele, a coproduction by Onassis Stegi and Sophiensaele Berlin. Her work has also been presented at Oktoberdanz in Bit Teatergarasjen, la Briqueterie in the frame of Les “Excentriques”, Kommuna Warsawa, Studio ALTA (collaborative piece “Nudes and Conspiracies”), the Onassis New Choreographers Festival (collaborative work “Besuch”), the Arc for Dance Festival, K-Gold Temporary Gallery, among others.
As a dancer, Xenia has collaborated with Kat Válastur for the works “Strong-Born”, “Diana Even” and “The FarNear”, André Uerba, Armin Hokmi, the Hellenic Dance Company among others, performing in festivals in Europe.
Her research work has been supported by Dis-Tanz-Solo Des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, Residenzförderung of Fonds Darstellende Kunste (in collaboration with HAU-Berlin), Goethe Institut Berlin and the Greek Ministry of Culture.
She is a Danceweb scholarship holder of Impulstanz Festival Vienna (2021), an Onassis Air Fellow (2024) and she has been awarded the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Artist Fellowship by ARTWORKS in 2022.