Three performers selectively transfer movements from a popular video clip’s choreography on stage. They thus strip them of meaning and endow them with a new state of indeterminacy and ambiguity, akin to the experience of the virtual. What is the value and importance of movement as a decorative and descriptive element of an audiovisual product? Is it possible that the removal of a foundational meaning facilitates the presence of newfound interpretations? Could we talk about a phenomenon of “junk dance”?
Concept & Choreography: Xenia Koghilaki
Performers & Co-creation: Nefeli Kadinopoulou Asteriou, Venetsiana Kalabaliki, Efthimios Moschopoulos
Sound Design: Lambros Pigounis
Light Design: Nisos Vasilopoulos
Choreographic Assistant: Nefeli Gioti
Promo photos: Giorgos Liamis
Arc For Dance Festival and Dance Cultural Centre (DAN.C.E)
Arc For Dance Festival #11, Kivotos Theatre, Athens Greece, May 2019
K-Gold Temporary Gallery, Lesvos Greece, August 2019